BeeCam Livestreams

Hive One | Hive Two | Both Hives

These are livestreams of two wild-caught honeybee colonies that I keep in the Philly suburbs. Details on the livestreaming setup are on my blog. Check out the descriptions and links below for pictures and videos of bee activity.

Scout bees were checking out the swarm lure towards the end of April. Eventually a swarm arrived and was re-homed May 2nd into an 8-frame deep hive box - Hive One - with some pre-drawn comb from last year's colony.

Hive one is doing well, and weekly inspections indicate steady brood rearing and a healthy queen. The original deep box was full as of June 16, and an empty medium box was added so the bees can stockpile for the winter.

A second swarm finally moved into the bait hive on the morning of June 23, and was moved to a new hive - Hive Two - next to the first hive. Hive inspection on June 29 indicates they're here to stay, with the one frame in the bait hive full of brood, so foundation frames were added to the box.

If you've seen my telescope out at night, pictures of galaxies, nebulas, etc., with descriptions are available.